Monday, September 28, 2009


Why do some people feel like it is the end of the world when they dont do as well as they should on something, or things just dont go their way? Why do they feel like if something doesn't happen perfectly, the world will fall apart? What would happen if everyone succeeded and never failed? As bad and as dismal as it sounds, failure is part of life.
People look at failure as if it were a bad thing all the time; and of course, most of the time, failing is a bad thing. Nobody ever wants to fail at anything, their goal is to succeed and do well at the task at hand. But sometimes, failing is necessary, and can end up helping you.
Now, obviously, humans are not perfect. We cannot be perfect, it is impossible; so things are going to go wrong. But good things can happen from things not happening as expected. Probably the biggest beneficial outcome is knowledge. when things go unexpectedly, most of the time, we find out what went wrong. Although the outcome was unwanted, we learn from mistakes and know what not to do next time. When Thomas Edison was working on the lightbulb, and was having great difficulty, he said, "We now know a thousand ways not to build a light bulb." Every time he failed, he changed what he did and eventually found a successfull, efficient formula to create a lightbulb. The same thing applies to everyone and everything else. It can help you become better at what you are doing. Failing can be helpful as long as you do not make the same mistake twice.

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